Adopting hygienic workflow and ethical values in global standards in all processes, ONKIM protects your future with audit and tracking mechanisms.
The collected cord blood is delivered to the laboratory as quickly as possible through a specialized system for processing.
It is equipped with all necessary infrastructure and equipment for transferring blood if needed. Stem cell counts and analyses are verified using multiple techniques.
It provides uninterrupted service 24/7 to immediately respond to any questions from your doctor or hospital staff.
It has a backup generator system to ensure that all devices and equipment function smoothly in case of any power outages.
All patient information is stored for 30 years in accordance with regulations.
During the processing hours of the product, all temperature, airborne particle count, pressure, and humidity measurements of the laboratory are monitored and recorded online.
The Importance of Choosing the Right Bank
ONKIM provides services in its specially designed center in accordance with GMP standards and follows high quality standards.
Cord blood containing stem cells are stored in the bank and, if needed for treatment, is sent by the bank to the treating specialist. The physician must trust the standards of the bank where the blood is stored in order to use the sent blood. Therefore, the certifications obtained by the bank from international organizations are highly important. The most crucial of these certifications is GMP, which stands for “Good Manufacturing Practices.” No physician abroad will use blood stored in an institution that lacks this certification.
Cord blood and stem cells obtained, as required by law, must be stored within the borders of the country and the bank that stores them must have a licence and be under the control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.
ONKIM Stem Cell Technologies is a Demet SABANCI ÇETİNDOĞAN establishment with the competence to provide R&D to national and international organisations and has all the aforementioned certificates.